The introduction of the Open Electricity Market – or OEM – has revolutionised the way households and companies manage their energy consumption. By offering the opportunity for consumers to choose electricity suppliers apart from the SP Group, the OEM empowers consumers in Singapore to have financial control of their energy needs. Through this, consumers can enjoy greater savings over the regulated electricity tariff. As the largest energy generator and retailer in Singapore, Senoko Energy plays an instrumental role in not only adapting to this changing energy market but also in driving the transformation. Driven by our steadfast dedication to powering the nation’s diverse energy needs, we have developed various price plans catering to the different consumption habits of households and companies. This affords consumers greater choices, enabling them to power up their homes or businesses with an appropriate electricity plan suitable to their consumption patterns and budget.
Our electric power generation plant has supplied energy to the electricity market in Singapore for over 40 years, strengthening our expertise in this field. This allows us to provide intelligent and innovative solutions for energy with the consumer's best interests in mind. As we adapt alongside the ever-evolving landscape and new technologies, we continue to supply cleaner and high-quality energy to support global sustainability efforts. Our innovative approach and unwavering commitment to be responsible stewards of our planet assure consumers that they can rely on us for reliable and affordable electricity while minimising their carbon footprint.
At Senoko Energy, we take pride in delivering exceptional value to customers, and this extends to our energy plans in the Open Electricity Market. Offering some of the most competitive rates among the retailers in Singapore, we not only meet customers’ energy demands but also deliver unrivalled gains. We understand the consumer’s daily energy needs and help to meet them with the best cost-saving deals while bringing value to customers through Senoko Smart Rewards and promotions. Make discerning energy choices and power up with Senoko Energy to enjoy great returns!
From lifestyle offers to exclusive giveaways, our customers get to enjoy greater value in other areas of their household and lifestyle needs with our Senoko Smart Rewards.
With our quick and friendly customer service, we address your queries about rates and offerings in Singapore’s open electricity market with professionalism and dedication.
The current regulated electricity tariff by SP Group is 31.82 cents/kWh for Q4 2022. Take advantage of the Open Electricity Market in Singapore and save more than 30% each month with our electricity plans.
"We chose Senoko Energy because they have a flexible 12-months plan. The sign-up experience was pretty easy. and everything was up and running almost immediately!"
- Milly, Senoko Energy customer
With the Open Electricity Market, you can enjoy straightforward pricing plans that are far lower in comparison to the current regulated tariff. Among the electricity retailers in Singapore, Senoko Energy is at the forefront of this paradigm shift. As such, our competitive prices astutely reflect current consumer needs and ensure stability against future market conditions and demands, empowering our customers to navigate the ever-changing energy landscape confidently.
Since the launch of the Open Electricity Market in May 2019, 49% of households have made the switch to their preferred OEM retailer^ and have enjoyed satisfying results on their monthly bills.
Make the switch and save with Senoko Energy: check out the attractive price plans for households and companies on our website to get started. Alternatively, browse our FAQs today to learn how you can reap the benefits of a more economical and sustainable energy future with Senoko Energy!
^ As of 7 May 2021, according to the Energy Market Authority